Simple solutions for a slow computer
Most common solutions and fixes for slow computer performance are to check your PC for enough
RAM ,(Random Access Memory),
clean and repair your registry, clean your computer from
spyware or
make sure your Windows operating system has the latest
Windows updates and perform regular basic
maintenance tasks.
What can I do to fix my slow computer?
Maintaining and fine tuning your PC system to run at its maximum potential will most definitely help repair your sluggish computer's use and bring back its original performance but does require effort and a little bit of computer knowledge and experience.
Data backup
Before troubleshooting your PC to help find the best solutions and fixes, save your all your important files - photos, videos, music, financial, personal documents, bookmarks, etc. Don't forget to
backup your important data
before performing or running any computer repairs or serious maintenance. Running utility software such as
Antivirus or
Malware programs can sometimes cause and add to your PC's lack of performance and can even
cause loss of access to your files after removing viruses or Malware.
Run disk cleanup
Use Windows
Disk Cleanup to delete all of the
temporary files located in your temp directory this utility will free up space on your hard drive and help increase your PC's performance. Also, disk cleanup will delete all temporary Internet,
system error, archived Windows system files and any deleted files in their recycle bin. You can also schedule Disk Cleanup by turning on
Automatic Maintenance.
Defragment hard disk
Disk Defragmenter consolidates files so that each is saved in
contiguous space (physical space) on the hard drive. When your PC freezes or
crashes this will cause your file to become fragmented, in turn, will
cause your computer's programs to run sluggishly.
Defragment your hard disk on a regular basis will help maintain your computer's performance.
Remove unused programs
Uninstall old software programs that you don't use anymore
they can take up disk space and slow down your PC's performance or
potentially damaging.
unused programs is a one way to free up disk space, which
in return will help speed up your system. Also, removing unused
applications first will extend the need for your next defrag.
Update Windows
You may or may not be aware that hundreds if not thousands of
attempts by Hackers looking for vulnerabilities on operating systems
are made every day. It is very important to keep your security on your
computer updated through Microsoft
updates. Microsoft's updates also include important updates
for your hardware drivers, Internet Explorer browser, and fixes for
Windows operating system.
Clean and repair registry
Overtime Registry Errors and other related malfunctions can
arise when the operating system becomes overloaded with worthless system
references, as well as corrupted and deleted registry files. This can
cause error messages and sluggish computer performance.
Cleaning Windows registry can help keep your computer system running smoothly and efficiently.
Update drivers
It is recommended that you keep your PC updated with the
latest drivers such as
drivers. Sometimes out-of-date drivers can cause slow
performance and other related issues.
Drivers are pieces of software that allow the computer itself to cooperate with
a hardware device.
Check for malware
Malware (for "malicious software") is any program or file that
is harmful to a PC user. Malware software can range from being simple
annoyances (pop-up advertising) to causing serious PC invasion and
damage (e.g., stealing passwords and data or infecting other machines
on the network). Clean your slow computer by using an
anti-malware software utility
program or
Disable startup programs
Startup programs run when Windows starts. They run in the
background and depending on how many are running can dramatically
affect your PC's performance.
startup programs will help speed up your system's performance.
Run antivirus software
virus is designed to infect other computer programs or data, modify, destroy,
consume resources, record or transmit data and disrupt the computer
systems normal operation. You can run BillGuard's Online
virus scan for Free.
Please be aware and choose your
software wisely, since some can actually add to your
initial problem of a slow performance.
Reset Internet Explorer
Has Malware infected your browser, having problems, nasty
pop-up windows? is your browser locking up? hanging? Here is how to
reset your browser and
get rid of that nasty Malware.
Adjust display performance
If you aren’t too concerned about the visual effects for your
monitor's display appearance, you can speed up the screen substantially
by adjusting your Windows
display performance. Microsoft gives you three visual effects
options you can choose from plus 20 visual effects to turn off, by
selecting one by one.